Happy Day!

Happy Day!


Monday, February 22, 2010

My path in life..

So, I thought I would start a blog. I am not sure why, but I guess I am influenced by all those others out there who shares their two cents at any expense. Well, my two cents are just my two cents, and two cents does not have to be a means to and end, two cents can be an end in itself.. So here I go.
Since this is my first blog post, I feel it is appropriate to give a summary to where I am in my life so far. I moved to California last year to start Grad school at SFSU, and to be with my fiancé, David. We now live together, and I have still not regretted moving from all that I knew so well to be with him. We are planning to get married some time next summer, summer of 2011, so I am using my fortune telling skills, and propose that a lot of the topics in this blog will be about our wedding. David is in med school, and he is armenian, christian orthodox, and that adds up to the wedding being on my shoulders mainly. His side of the family wants a big wedding.. I am not sure how many, but over 150 at least.. That to me is a lot..
I mentioned that I am in grad school, on my last year now. Who knows what I will do once I am done.. Equity and social justice is the name of the program, so I figure something to with that.. For those of you who don't get what it is about, I want to say, I get it, a lot of people think it has to do with law, but it doesn't. It has to do with education, philosophy and sociology. I have over the last year learned a lot from both my professors(some more than others) and my fellow students. I enjoy the journey of education, and I feel enriched by my fellow students and the question mark that is my path from here on.
Ok, first post is done for. A bit about me, more for those who read between the lines, and a bit of what I my life looks like.